As Durkar Halı, the primary goal of our Customer Satisfaction Policy is to “Ensure and increase Customer Satisfaction.” Under this principle:
We accept complaints as a gift and aim to integrate the permanent improvements we achieve into our systems and processes.
We ensure that customer requests and complaints are communicated easily and resolved in the shortest time possible.
We provide all necessary resources for Customer Satisfaction activities.
While addressing requests, we establish policies and goals based on legal requirements (such as the Consumer Protection Law, Regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, etc.) and customer expectations, while considering employees’ feedback.
We regularly review and continuously improve the efficiency of the customer complaints and request management process.
We commit to supporting employee participation, collaboration, and creativity by providing an environment where they can express themselves and continuously develop.
Our Social Compliance Policy includes the standards we have established through teamwork, based on our core principles and values, in collaboration with all of our business partners. Our goal is to make the Social Compliance Policy a part of the company culture at Durkar Halı. Therefore, social compliance standards have been created and are being implemented. Our organization, with these social compliance standards, is committed to not only creating products and services but also ensuring that employees receive their legal rights derived from these standards, adhering to occupational health and safety regulations, being environmentally responsible, and fostering an open, honest communication, respect, and appreciation in the workplace. The Social Compliance Policy is communicated to all our employees through training or communication channels (bulletin boards, websites, email groups, etc.), and our suppliers are informed and evaluated according to these criteria.
The Social Compliance Policy covers the following components:
Forced Labor (Voluntary Work)
Our workplace prohibits all forms of forced labor, including bonded labor, military labor, slave labor, and human trafficking. Employees are selected according to their free will. The principles of work in our organization are based on voluntariness. If an employee wishes to leave, the company cannot prevent or delay this, unless there is a safety concern. All information related to our employees is protected and kept confidential as per the laws.
Child Labor (Minor Employees)
Child labor is not accepted under any circumstances in our workplace. Except for mandatory cases such as internships or apprenticeships, the minimum age defined by national and international laws is taken into consideration. Our organization is aware that children belong in educational institutions. Therefore, the prohibition of child labor complies with the Labor Law, Occupational Health and Safety Law, other legal regulations, and the standards set by the International Labour Organization.
Working Hours and Compensation (Salary)
Our workplace offers compensation that is competitive with the sector and local labor markets. Our practices are fully in compliance with current laws and employment contracts regarding wages, working hours, overtime, and additional benefits. We offer our employees opportunities to develop their skills and capacities, and these efforts are supported by providing opportunities for career advancement whenever possible.
Non-Discrimination (Equal Opportunity Approach)
Our workplace values all employees and their contributions. We are firmly committed to opposing discrimination and ensuring equal opportunities. We are committed to maintaining a workplace free from discrimination based on race, gender, color, nationality or social origin, religion, age, disability, political views, or any other protected status under applicable laws, as well as any physical or verbal harassment. Personnel selection for positions is based on qualifications such as open positions, education, skills, work experience, and interests.
Health and Safety
Our workplace ensures the creation and maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment. The company aims to provide a safe, healthy, and efficient work environment for its employees by minimizing the risks of accidents, injuries, and health-threatening factors. All health and safety regulations as mandated by law are applied in our workplace.
Ethical Business Practices
Our workplace has a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and bribery.
Recruitment and Employment
Vacant positions within our workplace are identified, and employment is carried out in compliance with the law and specific guidelines (equal opportunity approach, leave, salary, vacation, employment contracts, foreign workers, etc.) set by company management.
Employment Contract (Employer Contracts)
An “Employment Contract” is prepared between the company and the employee, which outlines the terms and conditions of employment in compliance with the workplace and legal requirements. Upon acceptance of the job offer, the employee signs the contract along with any necessary documents related to the role and the company. A copy of the signed contract is provided to the employee, and orientation training is conducted to explain all relevant rules and practices.
Regular Employment
In all cases possible, work is carried out under the employment relationship recognized by national laws and regulations. All employees are employed under equal conditions and on a voluntary basis in positions that suit their qualifications.
Employment of Foreign Workers
Foreign workers who are employed in compliance with the laws are provided with contracts in a language they understand. All personnel matters, from hiring to termination, are processed in accordance with applicable legal regulations. Workers cannot be employed under any circumstance that indebts them. Our company protects the legal rights of foreign workers regarding employment.
Our organization does not employ illegal workers.
Discipline and Prevention of Abuse and Harassment
At our workplace, respecting the personality and dignity of each employee and ensuring a peaceful working environment is our priority. Therefore, corporate disciplinary actions or any form of verbal, physical, sexual, or psychological harassment, mobbing, threats, or coercion are strictly prohibited.
Rest Days and Holidays
Our employees utilize their rest and holiday days within the framework of their legal rights. The working days may vary depending on the nature of the job.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights
We respect our employees’ rights to join trade unions and their right to collective bargaining.
Commitment to Community and Stakeholders
Our workplace is committed to building relationships with stakeholders based on goodwill, listening to their opinions, gathering information, and considering their views. We provide an environment for employees to communicate their problems through designated representatives, in line with legal regulations, and allow written suggestions or complaints via suggestion/complaint boxes. When appropriate, we also commit to establishing a dialogue with stakeholders regarding workplace rights and issues within the company’s sphere of influence.
Supplier Relationships & Gradual Impact
Our company establishes acceptable standards for suppliers of products/services, guides all relevant parties to ensure compliance with these standards, measures social compliance performance, tracks results through action plans, and aims to gradually improve social compliance levels.
Environmental Protection
We manage the environmental impacts that may arise from all our activities with a sense of responsibility. We identify and implement improvements and developments that eliminate or reduce environmental impacts and use natural resources efficiently in all our activities.
Complaints and Suggestions
We are committed to establishing necessary mechanisms for employees to submit their complaints and suggestions, evaluating them in a timely and effective manner, and ensuring that employees can work in a happy environment without fear of retaliation for making suggestions, complaints, or requests. We also commit to using complaint and suggestion mechanisms for addressing complaints from surrounding communities regarding environmental and company-related issues (such as odor, noise, waste, etc.), just as we do for employee complaints.
Customs Compliance
Our workplace is committed to complying with all local and international customs regulations and taking necessary measures to prevent illegal shipments of products in line with these regulations.
Management System
We undertake to manage social compliance activities under a framework that aligns with applicable laws and regulations, customer social compliance standards, workplace behavior codes, and the principles of amfori BSCI. We are committed to continuous improvement in this area, periodically reviewing the activities, and providing the necessary budget for all these endeavors.
At DURKAR HALI SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş., to create a healthy and safe working environment, we are committed to:
Complying with all occupational health and safety legislation and legal obligations.
Ensuring a safe and healthy working environment by prioritizing occupational health and safety in all our activities.
Identifying and eliminating unsafe conditions and actions that could lead to accidents or occupational diseases, conducting effective risk assessments to identify and prevent potential risks.
Protecting all employees in case of emergencies and being always prepared for emergency situations.
Collaborating with our employees, contractors, and visitors to implement occupational health and safety measures, encouraging adherence to established rules, and improving our performance in occupational health and safety.
Educating our employees about occupational health and safety and ensuring they develop a strong awareness of it.
Creating an environment for consultation and participation by employees and their representatives and ensuring the development of a safety culture.
Implementing beneficial decisions made by the Occupational Health and Safety Committee and working groups, and providing the necessary budget for these actions.
Continuously improving and enhancing the current occupational health and safety conditions.
Adopting the “Occupational Health and Safety Policy” as our guiding principle and directing our activities accordingly.