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As DURKAR CARPET, our goal is to ensure and safeguard quality by maintaining Quality Standards.

Our quality policy includes:

  • Fully understanding and meeting our customers’ expectations in terms of quality, price, delivery time, and social compliance, while ensuring the continuity of customer satisfaction.
  • Establishing effective and sustainable communication with our customers, suppliers, and employees.
  • Adopting Total Quality Management in all our activities to achieve company and departmental goals through team spirit.
  • Developing processes to foresee and prevent risks related to product quality and safety at the earliest stages, thus ensuring error-free production.
  • Developing our Integrated Management System through continuous improvements and training.
  • Achieving high efficiency and quality through continuous improvement efforts.
  • Ensuring the active participation of all employees in alignment with the company’s goals and objectives.
  • Complying with all legal and sectoral requirements related to Occupational Health and Safety, the Environment, and our industry, and managing these in an integrated manner.

As DURKAR CARPET, we are aware of our responsibility towards environmental values and believe in the necessity of leaving a livable world for future generations.

The core principles of this policy are:

  • Preventing environmental pollution and reducing pollution at its source.
  • Conducting all our activities in accordance with relevant legislation and legal requirements.
  • Using raw materials and energy resources efficiently and effectively to protect natural resources.
  • Providing continuous training to our employees to raise awareness on energy efficiency, water conservation, and environmental issues, and to instill individual responsibility.
  • Managing waste in compliance with legal regulations and international standards.
  • Purchasing products and services that promote energy efficiency.
  • Ensuring that all necessary information and resources are provided within the scope of energy and environmental management systems.
  • Producing energy-efficient products and designing our production processes with consideration for energy efficiency and environmental criteria.
  • Communicating with all stakeholders both inside and outside the organization.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating our energy and environmental management system and energy performance to ensure continuous improvement.

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